MARKETPLACE - Reporting & Actions
3.3.2 Reporting & Actions:
Product responsibility
Does the company report on actual or potential impact on children’s health and safety associated with their products and services, or incidents of non-compliance with voluntary commitments or regulations on product or service safety?
Scoring options
- 10 = Yes, the company reports on actual or potential impact on children’s health and safety associated with their products and services, or incidents of non-compliance with voluntary commitments or regulations on product or service safety.
- 5 = The company reports on actual or potential impact associated with their products and services, or incidents of non-compliance with voluntary commitments or regulations on product or service safety, although not specifically on the effects on children.
- 0 = No, the company does not report on actual or potential impact associated with their products and services, or incidents of non-compliance with voluntary commitments or regulations on product or service safety, or this reporting is not publicly available.
Why is this important?
This indicator follows up on indicator 3.1.2 ” Is the company committed to ensuring product safety and product responsibility in relation to products and services that are likely to be used by children or which children could come into contact with?”. A company shows commitment to a policy on product safety in relation to children by transparently disclosing information on the company’s performance. If, for example, you have established a policy on product safety/responsibility, it is important to also disclose what the outcome/impact of this policy has been.
About the scoring
A score of 10 is given if the company has a publicly available statement relating to children as a specific group, clearly disclosed on e.g.:
Compliance (reporting on either full compliance, or incidents of non-compliance):
- The level of compliance in regard to formal legal or regulated requirements related to product or service safety or recalls/reports
- The level of compliance in regard to voluntary commitments with industry codes or regulations addressing product safety or recalls
- The level of compliance with own policies or commitments addressing product safety or recalls
Identified risks, incidents, or opportunities (potential impact) in relation to children through products or services, for example:
- The potential risks of non-compliance with their own product or service responsibility commitments or formal regulations.
- Potential harm to children from products or services
- Results from initiatives for positive impact, e.g. number of children reached, or activities realised
N.B. A score of 10 is given if a company has a commitment (score 10 on 3.1.2) and reports full compliance or no incidents of non-compliance with commitments on product or service safety/responsibility in general – for example reporting according to GRI 416-2 and 418-2.
A score of 5 is given if the company has such public reporting as described above, but incidences involving children are not specifically reported on.
Indicator reference
Children’s Rights and Business Principles:
- All business should meet their responsibility to respect children’s rights and commit to supporting the human rights of children (Principle 1)
- All business should ensure that products and services are safe, and seek to support children’s rights through them (Principle 5)
The GRI standards:
- Reference 416-2
- Reference 418-2
OECD MNE Guidelines:
- Part 1, Chapter 8, p. 43
ESRS Indicators: SBM-3, S4-5