Corporate Responses to Protecting Children’s Rights in Southeast Asia 2018

Regional benchmark

Corporate responses to protecting children’s rights in Southeast Asia 2018

In an effort to provide insights and guidance on how businesses protect – or fall short in protecting – children’s rights in the Southeast Asia region, this report makes use of two essential Global Child Forum research products: The Children Rights and Business Atlas and The Corporate Sector and Children’s Rights Benchmark.

More specifically, insights are provided across three areas where the corporate sector impacts children’s rights:

  • The Workplace
  • The Marketplace
  • The Community and Environment

Throughout this report, data from the Atlas highlights contextual factors that shape how companies can and should respond to children’s rights. This information is contrasted with the results of the Benchmark scoring for the 20 largest companies in Southeast Asia.

A gap analysis provides recommendations for company actions that address risks and create positive impact on children’s rights in the region.