Impact Report

How does Global Child Forum influence companies to improve?

Making a difference in children’s lives

Global Child Forum’s Impact Report provides partners and stakeholders with an overview of our efforts to influence global multinational companies to take action securing children’s rights.

In the report you’ll find key insights regarding the effects of benchmarking and our accompanying products and services, as well as a summary of our goals and our Theory of Change.

Global Child Forum

Impact Report 2023

Take a look at our latest findings!

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Global Child Forum

Impact Report 2022

How do we measure and report our impact?

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Filippa Bergin

Head of Strategy, Impact and Growth

Filippa Bergin has spent the last twenty years working within sustainability and human rights in business with organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Storebrand group AS, Axel Johnson group, Axstores AB, the Karolinska Institute, Amnesty Business Group and other NGOs. She holds various board positions for several organisations inclusive of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Vinnova (Sweden’s innovation agency), and the Press Council, which investigates breaches in Swedish press-ethical rules. Filippa joined Global Child Forum in January 2020.

The Children’s Rights & Business Benchmark

Are companies doing their part?

Global Child Forum benchmarks companies on how well they are implementing the Children’s Rights and Business Principles which form a baseline for our work.

Click below to find out more!
